The Old School's Classical Club is a long-standing and significant part of its programme. It aims to bring a wide range of classical music to Stoke Climsland and to attract musicians of the highest quality. It has typically held 4 or 5 concerts in each season and these are almost invariably fully subscribed.
The Club has also been closely linked to the Dante Fesival, held annually in the Tamar Valley, with the Dante Quartet frequently using The Old School for rehearsals and providing additional concerts. The diversity and quality of the music regularly attracts audiences from a wide area of West Devon and East Cornwall and the Club is particularly known for its support for young musicians, many from the local area.
Each concert is presented with an interval dinner, provided from The Old School kitchen, and with a bar.
For the Classical Club programme, click here
For general enquiries and bookings, click here
Click here for information about the catering services at The Old School