First time visits are most welcome. Please click here to find out more and to make contact with the group co-ordinator ahead of a meeting.
This is a small group of local Carers, giving some positive respite time away from those they care for. It meets at The Old School for 2 hours on the afternoon of the third Friday of each month. A charge of £2 is made to cover refreshment costs (tea and cake).
It is an informal time to talk, meet and share with other people in the same situation. Most of the group are looking after a loved one at home who requires up to 24 hour care or supervision each and every day.
At present there does not appear to be a group locally where ‘the cared for’ who require care can go and meet. The meeting is for the Carer, which may make it difficult to find someone who is able to look after the person being cared for.
The concept is to make the meeting really positive. Everyone realises that what goes on at home is not always positive and there is empathy and companionship from the group. Discussion of personal situations within the group session is not encouraged but there is an opportunity for one-to-one chats with a professional advisor whose role is to keep the group informed about the assistance available to help the Carer. He can also deal specifically with any issues or concerns that a Carer may have including assisting with form filling and advising when and where help is available. The adviser is normally available every other month.